b'Tips from other parents living in temporary accommodationGet to know your neighbours and takeIt may seem like a longtheir contact number road but no road is longif possible, in case of when you know theanything. Be friendlydestination is going to beand positive.permanent and beautiful. You are not alone.Being homeless is notPatience is important.easy, its stressful and timeIts a queue, a waiting consuming. But rememberlist, so one has to you are not alone in this,continue bidding and be positive and alwaysbe positive. Having that grateful you have a roofpatience to wait will over your head. make your life easy and put less stress on you. Carry on as normal and when you least expect.that phone call will come in.The process is long and has a bumpy ride,you will getRemember, this is not forever. Just through it. like it says, the situation is temporary.There is a light The sad thing in life is that good at the end things never last, but the good news of the tunnel. is that neither do challenging times.2'