b'HEALTH AND WELLBEINGHow can I access After 3 months, if you are still living near the GP surgery where you registered health services? as a temporary resident, you will have The NHS Choices website is the bestto apply to register with the surgery place to find health services in theas a permanent resident. You can find borough. You will be able to find a GP,more information on the NHS website - pharmacies, dentists, urgent care centreregistering with a GP asand other health services available toa temporary resident.you and your family.DentistGP services The NHS Choices website will provide If you are not registered with a GP youthe most up to date information about will be unable to see a doctor unlessNHS dentists near you. If you dont you have a serious emergency. In mosthave a regular dentist or cant travel to other cases, calling 111 is a better option. your registered dentist you can still get emergency dental care by calling 111.If you are not registered with a GP but need treatment, you can find a GP surgery near you and register there as aMidwivestemporary resident if you will be living inIf you are pregnant and cannot travelthe area for up to 3 months. To register,to see a midwife at your usual GPs the surgery will ask you to complete asurgery you can find a midwife closertemporary registration services form. to your emergency or temporary When you register temporarily with aaccommodation by finding and GP surgery youll remain registeredregistering with a GP, as set out above. with your permanent GP surgery andOnce you have registered with the the temporary GP surgery will passGP, make an appointment and, at details of any treatment you have backthe appointment explain that you are to your permanent GP. They will add thepregnant and need a referralinformation to your medical records. to a midwife. The GP will then makeIf your application to become athe referral.temporary patient is refused, you can still receive emergency treatment forup to 14 days.18'