b'HEALTH AND WELLBEINGConnectThe Pod Drop-in service for families with children under 5 years old and living in emergency or temporary accommodation. Every Friday morning from 10am-12noon at The Dolphin, Sutton SM1 1PR. Lots of fun and games for your little ones while playing with other children and the chance for you to have a cuppa and talk to other parents living in similar situations. You will also have the chance to access support and advice on housing, benefits, finances, health and wellbeing. For more information check the Pod website or call on 020 8647 6501 or 07543 692 844.Sutton Befrienders The Volunteer Centre Sutton provides a befriending service for people aged over 18 years. The service supports people with anxiety and lower level mental health concerns. For more information, check their website befriending@vcsutton.org.uk or call on 020 8661 5900.WallingtonThis charity provides information about group and leisure Communityactivities for adults living in the Wallington area. Check their Wellbeing website for more information.Parent and ToddlerParent and toddler groups are a good opportunity to meet groups andother parents and enjoy activities with your toddler.Children Centres Sure Start Childrens Centres bring together a wide range of services for children 0-5 years and their families. The centre makes it easier for children and their families to access services such as health, employment, childcare and family support closer to where they live.The services available at each centre vary, but may include:Child and family health servicesSupport for parentsIntegrated early education, childcare, play and early learning activities.For information on what is available in Sutton check the Councils directory.21'