b'HEALTH AND WELLBEINGHealth Visitor School NurseHealth visitors work with parentsThe school nursing team is a team of offering support and informed advicepublic health nurses and community from the antenatal period until a childnursery nurses. The service works starts school at five years old. Familieswith all children and young people from all walks of life may need supportwho attend school in Sutton. The team and information on issues that affectis available Monday to Friday from their childrens health and development.8am - 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays) If you need advice or support from ato provide support for children, young health visitor please speak to your localpeople and families with any emotional GP or contact one of the teams below,and physical health needs. This depending on the area you are living in: could include concerns about sleep, Sutton Health Visiting service on bedwetting, behaviour, eating issues, 020 8770 5409 Monday-Friday, sexual health and children with special 9-5pm(excluding bank holidays) needs. If you would like to contact the or email hcpadmin@sutton.gov.uk Sutton school nursing team their contact details are: tel 020 8770 5409 or email: Hounslow child health/health visitinghcpadmin@sutton.gov.uk.service 020 3740 9482Merton child health/health visitingDrug and alcohol servicesservice 020 3458 5228If you are struggling with alcoholand/or drug misuse or are concerned Sexual Health Services about a loved one, you can complete a If you need advice and informationreferral to Inspire.on sexual health including STI testing and contraception, please consult this Council webpage.19'